

2 评论:

匿名 说...

hihi, I am here now...

well... to be honest, it's so hard to find your space. I went to check the history message of MSN, and found it from thousands messages and fially found that it could not be copied....But, finally I got it....

I am a hardworking girl, right??????hehe..

I found that your space contains a plenty of info about technology, which seems to be very cool and modish, but well, the name of your space is toooooo traditional, I guess there must be some reasons, would you please tell me why???

By the way, I "fuching" villige is so cool,,,hahahaa ~~


Jerry 说...

Thanks for coming~~

1st, you spelled your name wrong..

2nd,I like my blog name, it is the era I want to live in.I like wars.

I'd like to be the village one day, how about you?
